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「專訪」中世紀棚屋住家 – 加州居家設計師 Michelle 的家
2017-12-17  編輯 DECO  人氣 18,748

過去唸廣告的 Michelle,大學畢業後在洛杉磯的娛樂產業擔任攝影多年。當時,她將大部份的週末時間拿來尋找復古衣物,試圖以衣著打扮和居家佈置呈現自己的另一面。收藏復古物品成了她多年來的一大興趣。

自從結婚生子之後,她搬了家,辭了工作,自此當起了家庭主婦,並且經營她在 Esty 上的品牌 6th And Detroit。之前工作時累積的造型和攝影經驗,加上她本身的天賦,幫助她在 Esty 的每張照片上呈現出獨特又美好的畫面。她從 Esty 上攢了足夠的存款後,租下一間擁有大面窗戶、自然光和水泥地的店面,座落於長灘市中心上最有風味的一個區域。「當我第一次看見它時,馬上讓我想起我自己的家,於是我必須租下它。」自 2016 年簽下了租約後,6th And Detroit 已經開業一年了,除了原有的復古商物販售外,現在也加入了物件租借和設計諮詢服務。

而 Michelle 的自宅, 活脫脫就是一間放大版的 6th And Detroit。她於 2007 年購入時,中世紀現代風格還並不是很廣為人知。但是當她和先生從售屋網站上看見這間房子時,兩人就立刻決定要擁有它,因為他們從沒看過這種風格的房子。「能夠找到擁有的窗戶比牆面還要多的房子實在是太令人難以抗拒了!」Michelle 說。

Michelle loves all things vintage and have been collecting for many years. After majoring in Advertising, she spent most of her career working in the entertainment industry producing photo shoots in LA. On her days off, she love to spend most of time searching for vintage clothing and home goods. Figuring out ways to express herself different from the norm through fashion and her home, she knew a passion was brewing.

Once she got married and had two boys, Michelle and her family moved to Long Beach. She stayed home and created her shop, 6th And Detroit, started to list her treasures on Etsy. Styling and photography experience all those years helped her create special imagery for each piece. She had her own way with Etsy that she saved up enough to consider a brick and mortar. A retail space was becoming available with big windows, natural light and concrete floors in the cutest area in Downtown Long Beach. It reminded her so much of her home, she just had to have it. Without a business plan and counselors advising her against it, she took a chance. Signed off on the lease in 2016 and she hasn’t regretted it since. Now that 6th And Detroit has been open a year, she included specialty rentals and design consulting to her services.

In 2007, mid century modern style was not a popular and almost nobody had heard of it. Michelle and her husband saw the listing and immediately had to get it because it was so completely different than the other homes they were viewing. Big windows and natural light is such a huge thing for her and to find a house with more windows than walls was just irresistible.

Michelle 的家
美國加州長灘市 / 建造於 1952 年 / 居住時間 10 年 / 室內坪數 36.53 坪 / 格局 4 房 2 廳 2 衛

佈置靈感來源?Sources of inspiration?
Nature, the beach, 70’s, and anything mid century modern.

家具採購來源?Where did your buy your furnitures and accessories?
90% of everything in our home are vintage items I’ve found thrifting, going to yard sales, flea markets and our travels. The only new furniture we own is our couch which we had custom made to fit our unusually long living room. Our home is constantly changing décor as I switch out accessories all the time as I go out buying for the shop.

最滿意的家具?Favorite piece of furniture?
My favorite piece of furniture in the house is definitely our dining table. It’s what brings us together as a family during our crazy schedules. Having the moments to talk to eachother over meals is something I cherish and want to keep as a tradition.

最滿意的空間?The space you like the most?
Our outdoor couch by the pool while watching the sun set with my family.

喜歡的居家品牌?Favorite brands or stores?
如果不能夠找到二手物件的話,我最喜歡購買新的小物件的地方是 Home Goods 和 World Market。
My favorite stores to shop for new small home décor items that I am not able to collect myself are Home Goods and World Market.

朋友如何形容你家?How do friends describe your place?
明亮、豐富、綠洲。Bright, lush, oasis

家中最重要的東西?The most important thing at home?
能夠讓自然光灑室內的窗戶。The windows that let in all the natural light.

最重要的小元素?The most important small element at home?
風格磚牆。The brick accent walls.

最開心的事情?The happiest thing living here?
Living an indoor-outdoor lifestyle.

最不滿意的空間?The space you dislike the most?
Garage. It has become quite the chaotic storage space.

最自豪的事情?What are you most proud of?
我的兩個兒子。以及勇敢地開了 6th And Detroit 店面。
My two boys. And taking a huge chance opening up 6th And Detroit shop.

你最理想的生活型態?What is your ideal lifestyle?
A balance of treasure hunting, working in my shop, spending some time for hobbies, traveling the world with my family and doing what I can to help preserve our environment. That’s why choosing vintage items is such a great lifestyle because it’s one less thing that ends up in the landfill. You’re giving it new life.

給網友的建議?Any tips or suggestions for new home owners?
Don’t buy everything all at once. Try to resist the urge to make it feel “homey” right away, this causes you to rush and buy things you’re not that in love with. Take your time picking out pieces and only buy things that you can’t live without. Also, wall décor is always last on the list until you have your bigger, more substantial pieces in place.

下一步的計劃?What is your next plan?
我的下一步計劃是要為那些出租的房子做設計諮詢服務。因為我發現有很多Airbnb的主人沒有花時間去裝飾他們的房子,但他們其實只需要一些些幫助就能為他們帶來更多的客人。我在幾個月前開始了這項新的嘗試,到目前為止非常樂在其中。這項服務讓我能夠去到很多我從沒想過的地方,而且我得以結合我對於裝飾和旅行的興趣。有的時候我甚至可以帶著我的家人一起前往,這簡直是大加分!未來,我的夢想是能夠為6th And Detroit成立家居設計品系列。
My next plan is to do design consulting for rental homes. There are so many Airbnb’s that haven’t dedicated time into styling their property and just need some help with it to get more visitors their way. I’ve recently started this new venture a few months ago and have loved it so far. It’s allowed me to visit places I wouldn’t ever think of going to. I get to combine my love of styling with my love of traveling. And at times I even get to bring my family, which is a super bonus! One day, I dream of having a 6th And Detroit line of my own designing home décor items.

PHOTO:Michelle Qazi

更多  6th And Detroit    @website

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