如果不考慮現實因素,大家想擁有怎樣的房子?好萊塢電影場景中奢華度爆表住宅、充滿歷史文化英式古宅、日本無印之家簡約空間?家具設計師 Harriet Maxwell Macdonald 則對瑞典小木屋情有獨鍾。從小在英國長大,隨著家具品牌 OCHRE 成立,來到紐約長住,擁擠忙碌生活形態,彷彿永遠沒有下班時刻。當孩子逐漸成長,希望他們創造更開心、愉快、自由奔跑童年,舉家遷移到距離紐約兩個小時車程的 Long Island City,對紐約如此熱鬧城市來說,簡直就是交通便利、鬧中取靜後花園。
35 年老屋,初次見面即愛上,景色實在太美好,可以想見日後愉悅時光。原先內部區域如同一般老屋都會遇到陰暗、缺少採光問題,首先增加窗戶面積,引入自然光,即使公寓大樓,也能藉由落地窗取代。同時為了創造舒適悠閒氛圍,運用梣木鋪陳,從地面、牆壁,形成溫柔自然氣息,搭配她自己設計家具、燈飾、布織品等,秉持簡單原則,形成最愛木屋風格,她表示,「因為已經有最好風景點綴,空間簡單一點便很美。」另外在色系挑選上,建議最好挑選低色調彩度,包括卡其、棕色、淺灰等,永遠不怕出錯,又可輕易營造無壓生活。
Long Island City / 屋齡 35 年 / 居住時間 5 年 / 室內坪數 87 坪 / 格局 4 房 3 廳 2 衛
我的丈夫 Andrew Corrie 與三個孩子 Ivo、Celia 和 Alastair。
My husband, Andrew Corrie and my three children, Ivo, Celia and Alastair.
簡單、自然、放鬆。Simple, natural, relaxing.
旅行與日常生活。Travel, everyday life.
OCHRE (由我和 Joanna Bibby 成立於 1996 年)。OCHRE (Me and Joanna Bibby founded OCHRE in 1996.)
我自己的品牌 OCHRE,以及喜歡到跳蚤市場去挖寶,譬如說浴室裡椅子。
OCHRE and I love finding things in flea markets, like the chair in the bathroom.
繼承這間老屋後,為了適合居住,自己進行重新翻修大工程改善陰暗狀況,以便打造出心目中瑞士小屋,並且透過柔和色系創造明亮室內感受。另外家具 DIY 部分,餐廳裡餐桌由英國朋友設計出鋁製基底,我再結合梣木桌面組裝而成。
We had major renovation plans as the house was dark and gloomy before like a Swiss chalet. I have chosen very soft de saturated colours in order to create a calming interior. Besides, the table in the dining room: the base is an unfinished aluminum base given to me by a friend who designed them in the UK, and I put an English ash top on which has bleached over time.
我們最喜歡的地方是客廳。 Our favorite room is the living room.
我們搬進來的那天。The day it was finished and we moved in.
It has the most incredible view and you hardly see another house. (yet there are many!) You cannot believe you are 2 hours away from New York!
景色。The view.
The house is exactly what we need to escape from New York City and the simplicity of it is perfect.
We wanted to keep the spirit of this home simple and calm and about the place and nature rather than have it feel too precious and decorated.
I think good design can incorporate many different styles. It can look very simple with view and light.