荷蘭在早期 1900 年代蓋了第一個供給鐵路工人們的社會住宅。這第一波象徵了阿姆斯特丹派的建築,成為現代建築學生課本裡指標性的社區。當時還在念建築學院的 Thomas,就曾跟同學們前來觀摩這塊在市區裡被完整保留的社區。
當社區重新開放入住時,Thomas 與 Aafje 毫不猶豫的搬進來。但這棟建築因俱有歷史價值,住戶並不能更改外觀與許多內部的細節,包含最有特色的黃色窗框(黃色與藍色是荷蘭鐵路的顏色)。房子雖小,但他們十分喜歡這裡的環境。現今阿姆斯特丹區域分明,相同階級族群的人時常住在一塊兒,但在這裡他們的鄰居有年輕的單身女孩,也有高齡九十幾歲的老太太。他們很開心小孩能在這樣保留原始狀態的社區成長。
身為遊樂園設計師的 Aafje 喜歡在牆上到處貼上充滿色彩的圖片,而喜愛極簡方正的 Thomas 則不斷的撕除太太留下的痕跡。許多朋友無法理解他倆怎麼會大膽到將客廳地板漆成藍色,而 Aafje 則笑著說,「我希望小孩在藍色的地板上玩就好像在海裡面一樣,而他是個海盜之類的。」
來到 Thomas 與 Aafje 的家,到處都可以看到充滿童趣的小細節。無論是將恐龍排成一列面向窗外的想法(他們有一個每年在國王節去跳早市集買一隻恐龍的習俗),或者是半截狗的門擋,這間擺設了各種稀奇古怪的小屋絕對是最俱有主人精神的一間混搭公寓。
Thomas & Aafje’s playful Amsterdam apartment in “Het Schip”
In the early 1900s, the Dutch government began constructing the first wave of social housing dedicated for railroad construction workers in Amsterdam at the time. These houses were the epitome and first forms of Amsterdam School style architecture. When Thomas was still in architecture school, he visited this community built in the shape of a ship with his fellow classmates.
When the building opened up for residency, Thomas and Aafje moved in without hesitation. The apartment was small, but they loved the neighborhood. They liked the diversity of the residents here; they had neighbors that ranged from elderly ladies to small families to young students. With the ongoing gentrification and division the city was going through, this community remained intact and cozy with historic value.
As a playground designer, Aafje loves putting up fun and colorful pictures and creating small corners on the wall. Thomas always tries to remove the traces left behind by her. A lot of friends were amazed by their decision to paint the living room floor blue, but Aafje said, “I wanted the floor to be blue so it can be like the sea. Then when Jonas (the baby) plays on the floor he can feel like he’s playing in the sea.”
Thomas and Aafje’s house is filled with quirky and surprising details. Whether it’s the dinosaurs lined up to look out the window (they have a tradition of buying a dinosaur annually at the King’s Day flea market), or the half-buried dog doorstopper, it is filled with objects reflecting the playful style and personalities of the family.
阿姆斯特丹市 / 屋齡 103 年 / 居住時間 3 年 / 室內坪數 16 坪 / 格局 1 房 1廳 1 衛
50s Tomado
Ikea, 網路上的二手家具,跳蚤市場