反應快,說話快,永遠都在東張西望的 Mathieu,是荷蘭南邊馬斯垂克著名的建築師。擁有超過三十年經歷的他,專業背景在建築,卻同時也是室內與家具設計師,喜歡畫畫彈琴與攝影的他,也對古典音樂有深刻的見解。他笑說自己是二十四小時的建築師,永遠都有做不完的事。Mathieu 早期在荷蘭安海芬建築系畢業後,回到馬斯垂克與朋友分租辦公室。隨著事務所越來越成功,Mathieu 在 1990 年將辦公室外移,買下原本這間辦公室的整棟樓當住家。
這棟房的格局是荷蘭 1750 到 1950 年期間的典型樣板。那年代建蓋的房子,與現在較簡潔集中的房子比起更氣派奢華一點。客廳飯廳以及各個空間都被隔開,不像現在偏好開放型的格局。於是,Mathieu 在搬進這棟高達五層樓的房子第一件事,就是好好規劃格局,讓空間完整連接在一起。Mathieu 強調,建築師的功能是在於加強屋子的結構與質感,並不是為了引起注意而去「佈置」一間屋子。
After receiving an architecture degree in Eindhoven, Mathieu started his architecture career in Maastricht, in the very house that he and his family are currently residing in. With over thirty years of experience, Mathieu’s expertise is in architecture but also found his way as a product designer, connoisseur in music and enjoys photography as well. He muses that he is a 24-hour architect with always endless things to do.
“Structure is the most important part of a house and is the foundation of architecture. The world also operates like this, we need a structure and framework to aim for the eventual freedom.”
Situated on a beautiful tree-lined street, the building was a classic prototype of Dutch architecture from the 1750s to 1950s. The typical characteristics at the time was to of course have a back and front of the house with divided spaces organised along an axis. The first thing Mathieu did was to reinforce the structure of the house - to reintroduce spatial connection whilst keeping its historical elements intact. While it may seem obvious to many that the most beautiful parts of the house are of the glass roof and glass staircase, to Mathieu it is often the underlying structure and invisible things that he appreciates the most - things that give reference and allow time to stretch indefinitely.
荷蘭馬斯垂克市/屋齡 97 年/居住時間 26 年/室內坪數 109 坪/格局 7 房 三廳 3 衛
Everything and nothing.
Mies van der Rohe
Carlo Mollino
Dirk van der Kooij
玻璃屋頂跟玻璃樓梯是最顯眼的部分,但那並不是我最自豪的地方。我最自豪的部分應該是看不見的地方 - 使內在結構更加堅固,讓房子更有邏輯,更實用與耐用。