Erik 與太太自二十多年前搬來馬斯垂克創業至今,已成功在當地開創了幾間以自己姓氏 Wijnhoven & Wijnhoven 作為品牌的髮廊。現在 Erik 本人除了經營與監督店面之外,則是採取預約制才會親自出馬做造型的。兩人在十年內搬了七八次家,其中包含了幾間自己在郊區買地親手設計,充滿現代感的屋子。在郊區住上一陣後,兩人最終還是嚮往較熱鬧的城市,於是買下這棟位於馬斯垂克市中心卻相當安靜的房子。雖然現在的後院沒有先前的大,但房子整體的狀態與良好的採光仍令兩人十分滿意。
「這間屋子的藝術感大於建築本身。」Erik 與太太從年輕開始就收藏各種藝術品,從掛在牆上的畫作,攝影作品,到較大件,風格相當前衛的裝置藝術都有。「這麼多年來我們跟著這些作品一起成長,從未後悔或看膩這些藝術品。時間教我們如何去『看』一樣東西,這些東西也隨著時間慢慢的演變。」挑高的天花板,簡約的家具被眾多不同風格的藝術品點綴不旦毫無違和感,也讓整間屋子充滿驚喜。這些藝術品不只是裝飾,也同時象徵了這家人各階段的珍貴回憶。
美國人有個說法,走進每間屋子必定能感受到屋主的驕傲。對於 Erik 來說,一個家無論是第一次或十年後走進,都必須要有讓自己驚豔的感覺。以一個擁有多次搬家經驗的屋主來說,Erik 仍建議找專業人士一起合作,討論想法,才不會浪費多餘的金錢與時間。
From Hairdresser to Art Collector - Erik Wijnhoven’s house in Maastricht
Ever since Erik and his wife moved to Maastricht more than twenty years ago, the two have successfully established several hair salons in the vicinity of Maastricht under their own branded name - Wijnhoven & Wijnohven. Nowadays, Erik works on reservation only appointments, spends most of his time managing the branches and continuing on to fulfilling many of his other ambitions.
The two have moved houses seven to eight times within a span of ten years, including a few very modern and minimalistic ones in the suburbs that they designed and built from bottom up. After living in the suburbs for a while, they still longed and enjoyed to be in the city, and relocated once again to Maastricht on a quiet, tree-lined street. Although the city garden is not as spacious as what they were used to, the two still love the brightly lit and overall condition of the house.
“The art of the house is more than the architecture of it.” The couple started collecting all kinds of artworks from since they were young, including ones for hanging and also larger installation pieces. “We never got tired of the works. We grew with them. Time has taught us how to “see”, and with time I’ve learned to see them in different ways.” Simple, elegant furniture find its balance with different stylistic art pieces in every corner, filling the house with endless surprises. The artworks are no longer purely decorative, but also representative of the family memories in different stages of life.
荷蘭馬斯垂克市/屋齡 100 年/居住時間四個月/室內坪數 66坪/格局 三房兩衛
大家走進來都是說 Wow。
當你一開始走進一間屋子,感受那個空間的高度,採光,大小,然後把它變成自己的家,可以目睹一個 idea 實現的過程,並與家人一起歷經。
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