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「專訪」荷蘭幼教老師 Bo 與吉他手男友 Ben 的溫馨小屋
2017-04-21  編輯 Audrey  人氣 23,105

學幼教與熱愛小孩的 Bo,一直以來非常喜歡各種設計給兒童或者嬰兒的玩具或用品。她喜歡乾淨可愛的顏色搭配,以及充滿童趣的形狀。直到一年前,她決定在下班空閒時間自己設計適合小孩的抱枕,小棉被等。她在 Instagram上形容自己是,「沒有小孩卻有一顆母親的心」。

兩年前 Bo 與男友 Ben 一起搬進了這間空間雖小卻非常溫馨的公寓。從臥室與客廳看出去是各個鄰居長滿了大樹的花園。雖然室內只有十五坪對愛買漂亮東西的 Bo 有點不太夠用,整體的搭配卻十分協調,充滿了兩人的個性。兩人時常肩並肩一起坐在客廳自己做的書桌前,身為平面設計與吉他手的 Ben 在電腦前處理音樂或設計,而 Bo 則經營她的網路商店與商品圖鑑。

其實走入 Bo 的家,完全能理解她有多熱愛 Pinterest,因為她把整個空間彷彿當作 Pinterest 一樣到處貼滿了她喜歡的圖片,照片,畫作。一個小小的家有看不完的角落,各式各樣她收集的小飾品。餐桌上甚至擺了一本 Bo 自行印刷的 Pinterest 精裝本,裡頭印製了她所有喜歡的風格與元素。

喜歡北歐設計的兩人,家裏用了十分簡單基本款的 Ikea 家具為基礎,並搭配了色彩繽紛的抱枕,盆栽,燭台等。簡單的木色搭配鮮豔的廚房與藍色的牆面顯得活潑,而臥室卻保持了十分乾淨的色調,一進入房間就感到非常的放鬆。

Bo & Ben’s Cozy & Playful Apartment in Maastricht

Having studied education, Bo always loved all kinds of toys and accessories designed for children and infants. She likes the light and clean color tones and the playful shapes they often consist of. Around a year ago, she decided to start her own studio - Studio Finnst, designing and making various pillows, blankies, and accessories by hand in her spare time. On Instagram, she describes herself as “No baby but a mama heart”.

Two years ago, Bo and her graphic designer/ guitarist boyfriend Ben moved into this cozy apartment, with their bedroom and living room facing a beautiful lush backyard with tall trees standing. Even though the apartment is a bit small, especially for Bo, someone who finds it difficult to resist buying beautiful things, the couple coordinated the space well with a lot of their own personalities. They often sit in front of the desk that Ben had built placed in the living room, working on their own things in front of their own computers.

One would not be surprised that Bo is a Pinterest enthusiast upon stepping into her aparmtnet. The whole space is almost her pinterest board - filled with images that inspires her, drawings and photos. There are endless corners to explore in the apartment, all kinds of small figurines and ornaments collected through the years. There is even a hard copy of Bo’s personal pinterest book on her living room, pages filled with elements and pictures that inspire her from the all over the world.

A fan of Scandinavian design, the couple used simplistic Ikea furniture as a neutral ground, giving emphasis to the colorful cushions, plants, and other objects of color. Natural wood furniture with the wall painted blue and yellow kitchen makes the space vibrant yet balanced. Whilst the livingroom is a space they enjoy hanging out in, the bedroom on the other hand offers a different vibe with neutral colors - with a rush of serenity upon entering.

荷蘭馬斯垂克市 / 屋齡 80 年 / 居住時間兩年半年 / 室內坪數 15 坪 / 格局一房一衛


我是個 Pinterest 迷,也時常使用 Instagram,在上面關注許多家裡擺設令人羨慕的用戶。

我很喜歡 Ikea,也喜歡 Flying Tiger 跟 Søstrene Grene 的簡約感。Ferm Living, Norman Copenhagen, HAY, Fine Little Day, House Doctor, Lucky Boy Sunday, Muuto and Meraki,各式各樣的北歐設計都喜歡..

你們應該也看出來了,大部分都是 Ikea 的家具,有些是二手店買來的,或自己做的。

自己 DIY 的部分?
書桌是 Ben 做的,臥室的床頭櫃是我做的。我們把廁所的櫥櫃漆成黃色,把一面牆漆成藍色與廚房漆成黃色。











Basic info: City: Maastricht / House age: 80 / duration of living: 2,5 years / 49 square meters / home layout:1 bedroom, 1 living space & 1 bathroom.

Decoration styles that you like?
I really like the clean white and wooden style, with splashes of color. I don’t quite manage to keep it clean and white though. Our bedroom is very light, but our living room is filled with colourful objects, painted walls, memories and inspirations.

Sources or references of inspiration?
I’m a Pinterest addict - also I’m very active on Instagram, where I follow a lot people with admirable homes.

Home interior brands that you like?
I must admit I’m an Ikea fan, haha. I also really like the simpleness of Flying Tiger and Søstrene Grene, and love Ferm Living, Norman Copenhagen, HAY, Fine Little Day, House Doctor, Lucky Boy Sunday, Muuto and Meraki. Basically anything Scandinavian will do…

Where do you buy your furnitures from?
As you can see and guess a lot of our stuff is from Ikea. Simply because we both like their simple style. Some of our things are from thrift stores, a few are handmade.

Recommended brands or stores?
Same as the interior brands I love! Do check out all of them.

How much of your home is done by your own hands?
We’ve got some furniture that is handmade. Ben made our desk and I made this little wooden night stand. I also painted our bathroom cabinet yellow, which I think turned out to be a good choice. We’ve got a blue wall and a yellow kitchen and I tend to decorate the walls with prints, photos and posters.

How do friends describe your home?
When friends come over they mostly say its very homy and cosy, and very personal because of all the things on the cabinets and sticking onto the walls. They admit there’s a lot in a small space, but somehow it doesn’t feel like stepping into the home of a hoarder, haha.

The space you like the most?
That’s a hard one. I adore our living room (when it’s cleaned up…) because of that cosy and wild feel, but the serenity of our bedroom always gets me the most. Especially in the early sunny spring days, when the window is fully open and a soft breeze is blowed into the room.

The space you don’t like the most?
We don’t have that much spaces, haha. It would be the bathroom I think, simply because there’s no window there and I really, really miss that. Taking a bath in the sunshine? Plants on our washing machine? Sign me up for that!

Your favorite piece of furniture?
A while ago I found our white chairs in a second hand shop. I still love them a lot! Also our bed, because of the space underneath it, and the red bench at the dining table.

Your least favorite piece of furniture?
There’s this one cabinet we hung up in the kitchen, and someday, when I tried to get something out of it, it fell off of the wall and literally everything fell out, except for the box I was trying to grab. That cabinet is now just standing there pretty randomly, and the doors barely open now it’s on the ground. I also kind of regret painting it over - I think I liked the natural wooden look a lot better.

Happy decisions you made?
First of all getting this apartment was a good one. Even though it’s a tad too small for us, I love its cosy feel and old doors, windows and floor. I’m also glad most of our furniture is pretty basic and not too bold, together with all of our things that would really be too much.

Unhappy decisions?
I think getting too much furniture too soon. I just wanted to fill it up really quick, and I think it would have been better to think it through first and then come up with a small plan to use the space most convenient.

What you’re proud of the most?
It’s a really personal home. When people come in, they get to know us really quickly because of the photos and little things we collected. I love that people feel at home here - even when its a big mess. The cosy and inspirational feel is everything to me.

What you regret the most?
the same as my ‘unhappy decision’; just filling it up too fast. but still, nothing is irreversible so i keep on changing things and replacing furniture until i’m satisfied with how it looks and feels when walking in. I wish I could be a bit more patient in buying new stuff, but I often get too excited when I see pretty things (I’ve got a pretty aesthetic mind).

Advice for the online community?
I think its really good to think about how you want your home to look like before you actually get all of the furniture. Just try to not be too practical about it and go with your gut feeling. Hanging up photos and putting your personal belongings and inspirations out there really makes it your home. The most important thing is that it simply feels wonderful when you step into your house; I think one’s home is very important, and if you put some love into your space, you and everyone else should definitely feel that when stepping in.

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