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「專訪」巴黎旅遊必逛的時尚生活用品概念店 Merci
2017-02-04  編輯 Audrey  人氣 12,237

2009 年巴黎瑪黑區開了一間名為 Merci (中文意思為謝謝)的時尚概念店,立刻成為各國設計愛好者與旅客朝聖的精品選物店。這棟三層樓高,由十九世紀紡織工廠改建的概念店,又是如何從瑪黑區琳琅滿目的設計概念店脫穎而出呢?

總共 450 坪,猶如小型百貨公司的 Merci,是法國精品童裝品牌 Bonpoint 的創辦人 Bernand 與 Marie-France Cohen 所構思。兩人創業成功多年後,為了回饋社會而開了 Merci 這間概念店;打開他們官網,上面則是法國作者 Jean Giono 的名言 “J’ai ce que j’ai donne.” (我擁有的所有,都是我所給予的。)

從瑪黑區的 Boulevard Beaumarchais 走近該門牌號碼的小庭院,Merci 的招牌復古紅色轎車便停在大門口。走近大門,開放式的 Loft 格局,大型的裝置藝術懸掛於天花板,而上方巨大的天窗讓整間店充滿了自然光。一樓長型的咖啡店 (Le Used Book Cafe) 有一整面擺放了超過一萬本書的書牆,書牆對面一整片的落地窗則望向庭院。店裡分成幾大區塊,分別有家具部,廚房用具,文具,咖啡簡餐店,男女時裝,以及家具設計相關書籍。

由於兩人的時尚背景,店裡有許多名牌設計師提供以原價六到七折的服飾,同時也是許多年輕設計師將作品展現給世界各地遊客的平台。店的利潤以基金名義全數捐贈給南馬達加斯加作為教育與開當地發展開發。自 2013,創辦者 Marie-France Cohen 雖已退出經營,Merci 的團隊則延續創辦者倆人開店的初衷,每年持續對基金會有所貢獻。

Having opened in the Marais District of Paris in 2009, Merci quickly became the hot spot for fashionistas and design enthusiasts all over the world. How did this three story concept store, converted from a 19th century fabric factory manage to oustand from all its other competitors in Le Marais, a district abundant with some of the world’s best and most unique design concept stores?

Merci was founded by the creators of French children fashion label Bonpoint. Having achieved success with their business, the two wanted to create a meeting point, or a crossover of the world’s best fashion, design, and household goods, while giving back to the society.

Look for the number 111 on the Boulevard Beaumarchais, turn into the small alleyway that leads to the courtyard of this mini department store, you will see Merci’s signature vintage car parked out in the front. Walk inside and embrace yourself with the natural light that comes shining down from the immense skylights above the loft. Le Used Book Cafe, the cafe to the right on the first floor, boasts a collection of over 10,000 books amongst the shelves from floor to ceiling. The shop is divided into a few sections: household and kitchen goods, stationery, cafe, fashion, and a small section dedicated to furniture and interior design literature.

Because of the fashion background of the creators, Merci is not only a platform for new and upcoming young designers, but also contains selections from some of the biggest name brands with a markup of thirty to fourty percent. The profits of the shop serve as an endowment for education and development in southern Madagascar. Although Marie-France Cohen stepped down from her position in 2013, the Merci team still continues to serve the dreams and ambitions of their creators - contributing to the fund annually while never disappointing with their endless new collections of elegance and design.

Merci 地址 111 Boulevard Beaumarchais, 75003 Paris, France

更多  Merci    @website

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