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「專訪」布達佩斯 Anna 的實驗廚房 12bé
2014-07-01  編輯 Audrey  人氣 35,484

Apartment restaurant 也就是公寓餐廳,概念是讓熱愛煮菜的業餘廚師把家裡當成餐廳來營業。這種餐廳環境不但能拉近廚師與客人之間的距離,同時也可讓大家圍坐在一張大桌前認識城市各處各種行業的朋友,並以合理價錢享用精緻美食。此概念原是古巴的傳統,但近些年來在歐洲與美國也開始非常流行。這次來到匈牙利布達佩斯的 12bé 實驗廚房,是由曾經開過咖啡店的 Anna 所經營。Anna 在一年前將這間公寓改建成民宿,並調整隔間作成開放式廚房,讓大家可坐在吧台椅上參與及觀賞料理程序。
The concept of apartment restaurants is emerging globally, allowing amateur chefs or people passionate about cooking to host dinner gatherings in the comfort of their home. This kind of atmosphere not only shortens the distance between guests and chefs, but also allows people of diversity all over the city to meet and socialize around a common table. This time we visit 12bé experimental kitchen located in Budapest, run by Anna. Anna has converted her flat into a guesthouse a year ago, changing the division of the house drastically to make a spacious, open kitchen, inviting people to participate and observe the cooking procedures on bar stools.

Anna 從小就非常喜歡煮菜,且此興趣是她與身為醫師的媽媽唯一的共同樂趣。當這間長期外租的公寓合約到期時,她決定實現自己對於烹飪的熱誠,透過食物與大家交流有關生活的想法及體驗。
Anna loved cooking since she was little, and it was the only mutual interest that she shared and enjoyed with her psychiatrist mother. When the contract of the flat (which had been rented out long-term) had ended, she decided to realize her passion towards cooking, interacting and sharing experiences with people through the topic of food.

由於怕吵到鄰居,Anna 只有偶爾在這間公寓舉辦實驗廚房晚餐。她強調食物的精緻度及擺設,且菜色隨著不同主題變更。「之前舉辦了區別山雞和養殖雞的主題,還有次是日本主題的晚餐;我請了一個日本朋友教大家一起做拉麵吃,吃完晚餐後我們還一起看了一部有關食物的日本電影。大家都玩得很開心!」
Due to concern for her neighbors, Anna may only conduct her experimental dinners occasionally in the flat. She emphasizes on the display and delicateness of the food, which varies according to different themes. “We had an event about the difference of free range and bred chickens. Once, we also had a Japanese dinner in which a Japanese friend taught us how to make ramen; afterwards we finished with a Japanese movie regarding also the topic of food. Everyone had a great time!”

Anna 非常歡迎外國客人來參加她的實驗料理或住在這間她親手打造的布達佩斯公寓。這間離市中心徒步便可抵達的公寓價錢友善,且來租賃便可使用漂亮大廚房及裡面所有的器具材料。Anna 說往前的晚餐派對都是匈牙利本地人,倘若可以多來點外國人就太棒了!
Anna welcomes foreign guests to participate in her experimental cuisine or stay at the flat which she had designed herself. The flat is not only walking minutes to downtown, the prices are also friendly; guests also have total accessibility to her fantastic kitchen. Anna said that mostly Hungarian locals attended in the prior dinners, but it would be great to meet guests from all over the world!

Anna 的實驗廚房 12bé
布達佩斯市 / 屋齡 64 年 / 居住時間 1 年 / 室內坪數 25 坪 / 格局 1 房 2 廳 2 衛

What is the concept of your experimental kitchen, and how long did you plan and research to achieve that? 廚房的概念是什麼?花了多久時間構思完成?
分享生活經驗與樂趣,並探討一些有關飲食的意義。我覺得食物應該不光只是吃,而是該瞭解更多與生活的連結,進行多一些思考。我只是個業餘的廚師,煮菜是我的熱忱,但我認為我提供的不是食物,而是希望能夠啓發大家的一些態度。 Sharing life experiences and interests, and discovering deeper meanings behind food. I feel we shouldn’t only eat food, but also understand its connections with life and do some thinking processes. I’m just an amateur cook, and cooking is my passion, but I hope to not only provide food, but also inspire new attitudes for my guests.

What are your sources of inspiration? (books / films/ magazines) 靈感來源?(書,電影,雜誌)
旅行,把看到喜歡的東西設法變成自己的風格。我很喜歡一位荷蘭美食設計家 Marije Vogelzang,因為她使料理變得非常有創意!另外 Heston Blumenthal 也是我很喜歡的廚師。 Traveling, making things I like into something of my own style. I really like Dutch food designer Marije Vogelzang, because she made cooking into something very creative! Also Heston Blumenthal is a chef I like very much.

Any recommended stores/ sources? (websites/ blogs/ stores) 推薦商店或資源?(網站,部落格,店家)
飯廳的工業風椅子是從以前一個電影製作公司買來的,另外匈牙利鄉下有間倉庫家具店Paprika Furniture東西便宜又漂亮。其餘的家具都是我找木工設計訂做的。只要肯花點時間其實價錢來的便宜又是自己想要的樣子。家裡所有碗盤都是多年來在各國跳蚤市場收集的。 I purchased the industrial looking chairs in the dining table from an ex-movie production company. There is a warehouse furniture store Paprika Furniture in the countryside of Hungary, which sells beautiful and cheaper things. All the other furniture I designed and had a carpenter make for me. If you are willing to spend some time, actually you can save a lot of money and get furniture the way you’d like. All the plates and dishes at home I’ve collected from various markets around the world.

What do you do in your leisure time? 休閒時間喜歡做什麼事情?
我喜歡去鄉下湖邊住;我和父母在那邊有棟房子,雖然我也很喜歡城市的生活,但在那邊感覺非常輕鬆美好。 I like to spend my days in the country house; my parents and I have a house there, even though I also like living in the city, but it feels very nice and relaxed there.

Do you hand make anything? Or buy ready-mades? 平時喜歡手作東西嗎?還是買完成品?
家裡的乾燥花都是我做的,還有掛在飯廳的那塊木板。另外我將客廳掛的鳥籠上面蓋了一層魚網,然後用紙鶴和乾燥花裝飾。 I dried the flowers in the house, and also the wooden board hanging in the dining room. Also I attached the fish net to the birdcage hanging, and decorated it with dried flowers and paper cranes.

Any advice/ tips for new homeowners? 任何建議給新手屋主?
我覺得鄰居最重要,買房子前先調查好將來跟誰住在一起!隔間是房內的優先,先想房子哪個空間對自己最重要(像我愛煮菜就是廚房),並可以花多一點錢與時間構思與裝修那個空間。牆壁的顏色最後再決定,反正牆壁刷幾次都可以。 Actually I think neighbors are the most important. You should research who your neighbors will be before you move! Also room division is very important, think about which space is most important to you (as kitchen is most important for my cooking), and you can spend more money and time to think about how to model the space. You can decide the color of walls at the end, because you can always change the color last minute if you’d like.

Any regrets or things you wish you could do over? 任何後悔或希望能夠重來的事情嗎?
房裡不夠明亮(其實冬天反而明亮,因為外面的樹葉都掉光了),還有希望公寓樓層高一點。 The room gets a little dark (it’s actually brighter in the winter, because the foliage has fallen in the yard), and maybe I could be on a higher floor.

How do you store things? Put things in storage. Throw away or categorize? 如何收納?收納技巧?
以廚房來說,把常用的器具擺在離使用位置最近的地方。譬如我都在中島切菜,所以中島下面擺的都是刀叉鍋子,而碗盤則擺在另一邊的櫥櫃,可以拿了直接擺在飯桌上。 In the case of the kitchen, put the utensils closest to where you use them. I always cut food on the island, so I put the cutting utensils and pots under the island; plates and cutlery are on the other side, so they can be retrieved and used to set the table quickly.

What is the most useful/ important kitchen utensil for you? Which ingredients are most useful to you? 廚房哪個器具最有用?哪些材料是匈牙利菜必備?
做甜點的話秤最有用,但食物處理機我最喜歡。匈牙利菜很喜歡用椒類(新鮮和粉狀都有),醺香腸和火腿。我們吃豬,牛,和雞,但不太吃羊。其實我們飲食習慣不太健康,吃很多肉卻不太吃蔬菜水果。 The scale is most important when making desserts, but I like the food processor the most. Hungarian food uses a lot of peppers (fresh or powdered), smoked sausages and ham. We eat a lot of pork, beef, and chicken but not a lot of lamb. Actually our eating habits are not too healthy, we eat a lot of meat but not too much vegetables and fruits.

What kind of decoration styles do you like? 喜歡的風格?
復古,鄉村與簡約混搭,但是我認為兩種不同的風格不應該衝突,擺設應該要看起來平衡和諧。我最喜歡的搭配是木頭,鐵的素材和白色,很有大自然的感覺。 I prefer rustic, natural feeling mixed with vintage and minimalism. But different styles shouldn’t conflict; the placing should be in harmony and balanced. My favorite combination is wood, metal with white; it gives a very nice feeling of nature.

Any brands or designers you like? Furniture stores or brands? 有喜歡的設計師和設計品牌嗎?家具店?
沒有,我不太喜歡買有品牌的東西。 I don’t like buying things with brands too much; I prefer to make them my own.

Any simple Hungarian recipes you can teach us?

六顆馬鈴薯、四顆蛋、酸奶油 (sour cream)、醺臘腸一條、鹽、胡椒少許

1. 將蛋和馬鈴薯煮熟,煮熟後切片。
2. 將奶油塗抹於烤盤,馬鈴薯上撒點鹽,並將材料一層層鋪在烤盤上。
3. 放入烤箱烤20分鐘即可(其實材料都是熟的,主要是加熱和使起士融化)
Anna 教的是十分簡單且大家可在家隨手做的料理,烤一大盤帶去聚餐也非常適合!

「Prosza (匈牙利鄉村甜點) 用烤箱烤的簡單健康匈牙利鬆餅」

1. 將所有材料放入果汁機裡打均勻。
2. 將蠟紙鋪在烤盤上。
3. 倒入烤盤烤40分鐘 (160度C) 即可。
4. 拿出烤箱,約莫十分鐘冷卻後便可沾果醬吃!

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