Nika 與 Patrick 是一對居住於南荷蘭的年輕夫妻。兩人生長於鄰近的城市,由於喜歡南邊方便的地理位址以及小鎮寧靜的氛圍,自然也選擇留在他們土生土長的地方建起家庭。兩人在交往七年後結婚並在兩年前買下這棟屋子,甚至女兒半年前出生就是請產婆來家裡接生的。工作從商的 Patrick,就學期間雖不是學跟設計有關的科目,卻對藝術與設計相當有興趣。Nika 是當地自然保護教育中心的活動策劃人員,在換到此工作前卻是當地藝術機構的創辦人之一。兩人喜歡的風格相當不同;Patrick 喜歡很乾淨簡潔的北歐風,而 Nika 卻偏好逛跳蚤市場,一些有年齡有歷史的復古物件。裝潢房子時兩人必須時常妥協才能達到共識。
家具不多的兩人,房裡大部分的硬體設備都是委託認識的人訂做的,比如說飯廳的桌子便是當地相當出名的設計師 Valentin Loellmann ( 所量身定做的。兩人也收集了一些當地藝術家的畫,特別是客廳掛的女孩畫像,就是兩人在得知小孩是女兒時所購入的。兩人在買屋後隔了兩週就入住,主要只換了地板以及新的廚具。原本的木頭地板被他們廢物利用作成了花園裡面的牆面以及植栽箱,十分有創意。
Having grown up in neighboring cities, Nika and Patrick are a young couple living in Maastricht. They decided to start a family here and bought a house in a quiet district close to the center. With the arrival of their baby a little more than half a year ago, the two have created a very cozy space very particular to their tastes and styles.
As a business chain manager, Patrick has a very different style than that of Nika, who currently works as an organizer for the local center for nature and environment education. While he prefers clean and minimal spaces, Nika prefers going to flea markets and second hand shops, objects with age and history. The two often had to compromise in their final decision.
The house does not have much furniture - most of the ones they have were custom-made by commission or help from friends. The beautiful dining table is from Valentin Loellmann, a Maastricht based furniture designer. In the living and dining room you will also find beautiful paintings, especially the exquisite portrait of the girl in the living room, which was purchased when they found out the baby would be a girl.
The two moved into the house on January 1st, 2016, two weeks after they had purchased the house. They mainly changed the floor and installed a new kitchen - the old floor was then upcycled and made into the garden nursery.
荷蘭馬斯垂克市/屋齡 107 年/居住時間兩年/室內坪數 27 坪/格局 兩房一衛
Patrick 喜歡很乾淨很簡潔的風格,但 Nika 偏好二手,有年齡的東西,兩人因此常常須得討論妥協。
Design Sponge、Elle Decoration、Instagram、Volkskrant Magazine 的家居篇
二手復古家具、Marktplaats、訂做 Valentine Loellmann 的桌子
Patrick 喜歡廚房,Nika 喜歡嬰兒房